Our schools offer an outstanding experience through personalized learning, with topnotch teachers, unparalleled opportunities and cutting-edge technologies. We offer high-quality teaching and unique opportunities that help our students achieve exceptional grades and develop strong values and ambitions. We nurture confident, creative global citizens with a thirst for knowledge and the vision to change the world for the better. Our flexible approach to learning allows our teachers to adapt to each student's needs. They take the time to discover the passions of our students and tap into their strengths. We embrace innovative approaches to ensure that our students thrive well in our schools and as global citizens. We recruit and retain the finest educators with a passion for teaching and learning thus driving our students to be motivated to achieve more. Our approach to learning is centred on the core belief that every learner can achieve more if their academic work is structured in a manner that reflects their interests and learning styles.
We believe that;
- Students learn best with voice and choice.
- Learning is a reflective practice.
- Learning requires a safe, collaborative environment.
- Learning requires feedback for growth.
- Learning inspires passionate engagement.
- Learning from failure requires a growth mindset.
- Appropriate challenge engages and motivates learners.
And that;
- The purpose of assessment is to improve learning.
- The student is the first and most important user of assessment data.
- Reflection is integral to deep learning.
- Assessments should be aligned with adopted standards.
- Assessments should give students opportunities to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
- Assessments should produce accurate data capable of informing instruction and learning.
- Feedback to students should be timely, targeted, accurate, actionable and embedded in the assessment process.